My name is… actually, it’s fairly obvious what my name is, isn’t it? I’d say there are four likely reasons why you’ve found yourself here – here on my website, not here as in “how did we get here?” That question is much harder to answer.
So, you'll probably want to know about:
Where I cover the stories that matter, and explore what they mean for the world – and for you.
Where I write to sell anything and everything. Mostly financial products. Mostly under someone else’s name.
Where I go on ill-advised adventures, take photos and write about it.
That one is easy: harry@harryhamburg.com.
I run coinconfidential.com, which offers independent and in-depth crypto news, analysis and insight… so exactly what the myriad other crypto sites offer then, right?
Well, not exactly. If you visit coin confidential, you’ll see we don’t publish often, but what we do publish is well worth your time.
Our articles reveal how crypto is quietly reshaping industries all around the world – from finance to supply chain to insurance, advertising and energy, to name just a few – and show you how to capitalise on this new knowledge. You can subscribe to coin confidential for free here.
Prior to launching coin confidential I worked as the Editor of Southbank Research’s daily tech investment e-letter, Exponential Investor, and monthly cryptocurrency publication, Crypto Wire, where I wrote to 85,000+ subscribers daily.
I’ve written over 400 in-depth articles, essays and guides about tech investment, gold investment, cryptocurrencies and financial independence.
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The best way to tell you about my copywriting is to show you, which is why I wrote my dedicated copywriting page.
Chances are, if you’ve found yourself on my homepage, that’s really the page you want to be reading.
And if you want to know more about my skills in crypto copywriting or financial copywriting – which are what I specialise in – then you can read my crypto copywriting page, and my financial copywriting page.
Or, if you want to cut to the chase and judge me solely on my work, take a look at my copywriting portfolio.
Outside of work, I spend most of my time getting beaten up in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu or getting lost, taking photos and writing about it. Some people would call it travel photography, I call it misadventure photography.
You can see a few of my photos below, or head over to my instagram for more: @instaharrygram.
If you want to get in contact with me, just email: harry@harryhamburg.com.
Or, if you want to have a look at my "social media presence" take a look below, and slightly to the left.